Navigating your Pivot Point to Well-Being
Mind | Body | Wisdom
Wellbeing in the Workplace
Assisting SME’s with co-creating bespoke solutions for their
“Wellbeing in the Workplace” initiatives
How we work
Working with you and your team to gain insight into the wellbeing needs in your workplace.
Through one-to-one discovery conversations, we build a picture of practical and affordable actions across your organisation.
The end result will be an easy to follow roadmap and implementation plan of your customised Wellbeing in the Workplace initiatives. Generating a richness to the environment, culture and practices of wellbeing in your workplace.
What does wellbeing in the workplace mean to your organisation?
The World Health Organization defines wellbeing as a:
“state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absences of disease or infirmity." [2]

Did you know for every $1 invested in workplace mental health on average the return is $2.30 [3]
We work with SME's across the profit and not-for-profit sectors, for example...

What our clients say...

Chris Asher, Director
Oink Digital
“I always knew there were areas we could improve in, but the report made them glaringly obvious to the point of increased urgency.”
Anne and Sue's Wellbeing in the Workplace program had a much larger impact than I had initially expected. We have even had measurable results in staff and overall company performance that has resulted in better profitability whilst improving our team culture and creating a more collaborative work environment. Valuable lessons were learned from all of their great work. Thanks you Anne and Sue, the results have been like magic!

Bernadette Nugent, CEO
Road Trauma Support Services Victoria
“The experience was uncomplicated, the staff felt heard and the report gives concrete solutions and guidance.”
Pivotlife’s Wellbeing in the Workplace program has allowed us to think about how we will develop a framework related to workplace wellbeing, instead of having a more ad hoc approach.
The experience was uncomplicated, the staff felt heard and the report gives concrete solutions and guidance.
The process has helped us to create a structure; a place to start and an understanding of things that need to be addressed first.
The report was extremely effective. It clearly outlined where we are at now and provided us with the road map to navigate our way forward.
We are using it as a launching pad to create a focus on wellbeing.
I am so pleased that we decided to go through this process and I am looking forward to developing a workplace wellbeing hub to support our staff and volunteers.

Theresa Yeo, CEO
TCF Victoria
“It made sure we set aside time to plan for well-being strategies at individual and organisation level and commit to them”
The initiative was timely as staff were in need of a lift in spirits. The self reflections from the interviews created a natural process for positive change and provided a shift in attitudes. The process gave impetus for well being actions to develop.
It made sure we set aside time to plan for well being strategies at individual and organisation level and commit to them
We came out of the interviews with Anne and Sue feeling very uplifted, encouraged and committed to working on positive change for ourselves and the organisation. Their ability to connect and genuine interest to help were apparent and helped the process tremendously.